Thursday, June 10, 2010

U need to understand..

U juz need to understand our situation ok...we have broke up...and...u must forget abt me...u juz cant think abt me...i dunno if this real or of my frends says that u want me back...and...i wont be together wif u again...i juz cant...u must forget abt me....forget te past...start a new life...and im gonna start wif my new life...i dun wan u to suffer ok girl...pls let me go...maybe its not easy for me to let u go..but sooner or later..u'll find out that...waiting for sumone for a long time juz wont make this thing better ok...there's a way of getting it better...but the way is to be wif u together...i dun wan to be wif u already...coz...whenever im wif u...i feel like im juz a the one who makes ure life miserable...and im the one who make u waste all of ure tears...ure tears ain't gonna help u...ure wasting ure tears on sumone that is useless...i will never gonna be better...u need...u juz need to fight for ure own now..i wont be there for u...pls...pls forget abt all the things...and im sory for making u sory for making u sory for making u sad...and im sory for making ure life so sorry...i know its not easy for u...but...for me...its way more harder coz i've never found a girl like u before...that is wonderful...that make MY life perfect...that's fulfill my fantasy...i know i've hurt u so much b4...pls..pls baby girl...forgive me...and also...i have a request...pls change...i hope u really change...i dun care if it becoz of me or sumone else...i juz want u to change...i have made a promise to myself that i will change u...this is the last request from me...juz change...i know...its hard..but...ure life will still have along journey to go..and use the time to change u...ureself...and...i hope..all the things that u've said to me...u really do it...juz for once in ure sumthing that is really hard to be making all this for our i've not chat / sms wif u...i kinda forget abt u...i forget abt u slowly...and i hope...u too can forget me...for u...maybe it take this only year...or months...but for maybe took me years...around 1 - 3 years...u juz need to understand...we're over girl...u have to forget the must get going rite ? start a new life...and i hope u change...for the last soooo sorry for everything that i've done to u baby girl...and for the last gonna call u Baby Girl...