Friday, May 28, 2010

I need u..

I need u in my life...ure the wonderful thing that ever happened in my life...ure so beatiful...funny...and the girl who could make me smile when im bored...i could barely smile for sumthing eventhough its funny...but u're juz too different...u change the whole life of mine...and i wished that i could change ure life too...i never thought that u will be mine..even for a second...but now...ure mine forever...u always drives me crazy...ure cute and also kinda lil crazy...but all that juz makes me love u more...u would try to convince me on doin sumthing that would take a high risk...u also always be there when i need u...u make me smile whenever im near wif u...and i could barely say not always wif u...eventhough ure not near to always near to u coz i'll always be by ure side...i'm worried when u're alone...u always being alone...ure such a lonely trying to make ure loneliness goes away...i cant see u in that situation...u have many probs...i would try to help u...i dun care if my probs is undone...coz ure more important...i never thought a girl...that as perfect as u...will come in to my life and be my very lucky to have sumone like u...that will not easily give up on sorry if all this juz making ure life miserable..but..if i do make ure life miserable...plz tell me...maybe i wanted to change ure life...but...i dun wanna change ure life to a more difficult situation...i will let u go...and never come back if becoz of me...u suffered more...plz..tell me the truth...i need to know...the longer this things keeps on goin like this...the more worried i will be when im thinking of u...i dun wanna be the one.that destroys ure wonderful life...i dun wanna be the one...that is very unlucky to u...all i need is truth from u...i dun deserve u actually...but why...why did u chose me...there's other guys that better than me...that could take good care of u...i not the one...becoz its too hard to takecare of's kjuz hard...i really wanna be the one for u...but i cant...i juz cant...there's many other guys that deserves u...i dun deserves u at juz a jerk...that are so juz a guy...that brings bad luck to ure life...maybe im lucky to have u...but...ure very unlucky to have a shy person...i wont be able to takecare of u...i wont be able to show u that i love u...coz im such a shy always shy...i hope this stupid attitude could go juz cant...i need u...i really need u...but im sory to say this...i really dun deserve u...u belongs to sumone not the perfect guy that u always be dreamin of...the perfect guy will show himself...when the time for us collide...the perfect guy...will take good care of u baby girl...u dun have to worry about anything...he'll be there for u...not like me...i wont able to be there for u when u need me...its very hard...our moment to be together is gonna end...i juz cant be wif u...some day...i will destroy ure life...i dun wanna make that only way i could choose...the only way is to let u to forget all about u from my to let my treasure goes to give my treasure to sumone that deserves it...maybe i'll forget ure faces...ure voice...and also all of our memory together...but i swear...i wont forget ure name...ure name will always be my last treasure...maybe ure perfect...but...we need to accept that...everything's that is perfect...will lastly gone...i'll miss u...i'll miss u so damn much...but...when its time to let u go...i juz have to let all of my promises to u goes away...becoz...all of my promises...i coudln't make it come true...i am a failure..i am becoz i fail to take care of u...i will never be able to take care of u...i dun have the strength...i'm so sorry darling...i juz loving u...the love will bring us bad luck...i'm scared...i'm scared that u will have to go thru many obstacles becoz of me...i want to make ure life obstacle's lighter...i dun wan to make it heavier and u will have to go thru it all...if all this while...i have made u so sorry...plz forgive me...we could still be frends...but we couldn't be more than frends...i juz know u remember when i day..we will broke up? If u could recall ure memory...we did broke up for the second i feelings always rite...and feelings said that...i wonnt be wif u day...we will broke up and never gonna be together back...we'll juz have to w8...if the time to wait is long...we could still spend ur time together...but if the time is short...for the last time...i wanna so sory if i've done many mistakes to u...and if im juz making u suffer so sorry...