Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My love to her..

No one will know how much i love my special one...she will always be the one for love her as much as i love family only more to her...she always makes me smile when im chatting wif her...eventhough we rarely talked at school b4...i mean..we did not talka t school AT time love to her will be more and more...i dun know juz makes me love her more everytime i think about her..and...she never leave from my mind...its kinda hard for me to forget about her even minute...i dun know if she really2 loves me...and if she is sincere to love me...but i dun least...i could get a fake love from sumone...becoz...all this time i din get any love...from anybody excepts my family...if she me...but is fake...dun tell me...i dun wanna know...coz...i want this "fake" love from u makes me feels better when im in many kind of situations..sad...happy...overjoy...she's the one who always helps me to forget about all my probs..she's the key to my heart...she always makes me happy whenever im sad...i will tell her all of my probs...but...if she dun like it..u could juz say it to me...i dun care...coz...i juz dun want u to get hurt by me...u've been cpl-ing wif me for no reasons...maybe there's some reason u cpl=ing wif me..but that one will knows it...the true one will ever find it out...even herself..i dun think so she could explain the real reason to me y she love me...and cpl-ing wif me..coz i felt the same..i have a reason..i know i do...but..the reason is un-explainable...i dun know the real reason y i love her so frekin much..all i know is..i wanna be wif her forever...she's my last girl...if i broke up wif her...i wont be able to have any gf as good as her do to me..i wont be cpl-ing about years...coz when i broke up wif her...i will find the perfect person as perfect as her do to me...i dun even know the truth about the love between us two...i've never knows if she really...really sincere of loving me...but...if ure reading this baby...i love u...wif all my heart..u would never knows hw much i love u...only god...and i do...i hope our relationship will last forever...i really hoped that u'll be mine forever....I'll love u forever...and always...