Monday, July 5, 2010

Just For U

Ure like a sunshine ,
U shines like the perfect one ,
I'll be braver for u ,
Things gets better when there's u.

LOL..dah xleh pikir..abes dah..XD

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Poem Especially For U

U are like an angel ,
U came into my life and gave me my life's signal ,
U came and gave me love that i've never had before ,
Ure the one that i've had been longing for.

Ure like a princess ,
Princess that needs its prince ,
I want to be ure guardian ,
I wish i could be ure faithful guardian.

I love u wif all my heart ,
I just dun have the strength to hold u tight ,
I need u here tonight ,
Coz i juz wanna die in ure arms tonight.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


U all think u all have the biggest problem rite ? u all never thinks about ure frends rite ? u all never cares abt ure frends feelings rite ? u all think this is a game rite ? well , if u all think this is juz a plain stupid game...u better think back properly...when u do sumthing...without thinking...sooner or later...u will find out that after u did all those things...u will know that u all not here to say that...our frends suck or wat...we all suck..we all makes mistakes...we all makes mistakes that could never be undone...we all makes mistakes that will make ourself here to dedicate this to my frends...i mean bestfriends...if u BOTH are reading this....then...u both shud know that im talkin abt u guys...u guys juz dun get it huh ? u guys are trying to get one girl...becoz of one girl...u both fight...becoz of one girl...u both end up being enemies...and also...i will talk abt each one of u...first...its u buddy... AIMAN : u always lied...i dunno if its true or not...but...ure FRENDS said that...u talk bad abt them...and...u always being such a busybody..u juz cant mind off ppl's sorry if im hurting ure feelings...but...u need to know the fact...u always try to hide sumthing....sumthing that u suppose to tell to ure BESTFRIENDS...eventhough ure life was hard...u have to know that...ure bestfriends could help u eventhough ure own family did not have the time to help u...everybody needs help man...u need help...shazzy needs help..and needs sorry if all this while..ure the one who be EAR..ure the one who listens to my sorry if all that juz makes u sick..and also...u need to stay off my business ok...if once i've said...i dun wan to be together wif my EX...i really mean it..u cant juz force me to be back wif her AGAIN...i juz dun understand ok...u never knows wat its like to have a GF...its hard...and also..u know ure ure stupid bestie that will never have the ability to take care of sumone...u know that a long time ago...coz u've been my bestie such a long time...u know i juz could'nt handle her...myself also u barely can thinking that i could handle two ? me and her ? way man...i really like her..i mean...i really love her...but...if im there in her life...believe me...her life will be miserable...

Shazzy : u and ure games...u always thinks that ure frends feelings was not that important....u always talks abt things that could hurt ure sorry if all this making u sick or wat...but pls..for god's sake...stop feeling like ure left out la...watever la..coz...i will never leave u ok...ure my bestfriend...i have never found sumone that will be my bestie...and i also never thought that i could have frends like u and aiman...u both are juz so kind...but pls...dun change becoz a girl...u said...u dun wanna chase her rite...ure giving to aiman...but then...ure mad wif aiman...becoz i dunno the reason y...becoz ure mad wif thinks that...its hard for him to get his special of u both...ureself...ure both one is chasing her...and pls...dun regret if the girl that u boths loves so much will fall into sumone else's hand...sumone that could hurt her..sumone that could never takecare of her like u both wanted..sumone that could destroy her life..and..i dun wan u both to be like life have sucked too much...u both still have the chance to get back and fight for wont be able to go back up and fight for this life of that i've a big hatred towards it..but still...i love my parents..i love my siblings...i love my grandma...i love my grandpa...i love my family...but now..u both juz dunno wat my REAL situation rite now..u both juz dun get it...

the lessons every probs...we juz need honesty , independancy , logistic mind and also by everybody that loves sorry for all my mistakes...juz gimme chance to change ok...peace..!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

U need to understand..

U juz need to understand our situation ok...we have broke up...and...u must forget abt me...u juz cant think abt me...i dunno if this real or of my frends says that u want me back...and...i wont be together wif u again...i juz cant...u must forget abt me....forget te past...start a new life...and im gonna start wif my new life...i dun wan u to suffer ok girl...pls let me go...maybe its not easy for me to let u go..but sooner or later..u'll find out that...waiting for sumone for a long time juz wont make this thing better ok...there's a way of getting it better...but the way is to be wif u together...i dun wan to be wif u already...coz...whenever im wif u...i feel like im juz a the one who makes ure life miserable...and im the one who make u waste all of ure tears...ure tears ain't gonna help u...ure wasting ure tears on sumone that is useless...i will never gonna be better...u need...u juz need to fight for ure own now..i wont be there for u...pls...pls forget abt all the things...and im sory for making u sory for making u sory for making u sad...and im sory for making ure life so sorry...i know its not easy for u...but...for me...its way more harder coz i've never found a girl like u before...that is wonderful...that make MY life perfect...that's fulfill my fantasy...i know i've hurt u so much b4...pls..pls baby girl...forgive me...and also...i have a request...pls change...i hope u really change...i dun care if it becoz of me or sumone else...i juz want u to change...i have made a promise to myself that i will change u...this is the last request from me...juz change...i know...its hard..but...ure life will still have along journey to go..and use the time to change u...ureself...and...i hope..all the things that u've said to me...u really do it...juz for once in ure sumthing that is really hard to be making all this for our i've not chat / sms wif u...i kinda forget abt u...i forget abt u slowly...and i hope...u too can forget me...for u...maybe it take this only year...or months...but for maybe took me years...around 1 - 3 years...u juz need to understand...we're over girl...u have to forget the must get going rite ? start a new life...and i hope u change...for the last soooo sorry for everything that i've done to u baby girl...and for the last gonna call u Baby Girl...

Friday, May 28, 2010

I need u..

I need u in my life...ure the wonderful thing that ever happened in my life...ure so beatiful...funny...and the girl who could make me smile when im bored...i could barely smile for sumthing eventhough its funny...but u're juz too different...u change the whole life of mine...and i wished that i could change ure life too...i never thought that u will be mine..even for a second...but now...ure mine forever...u always drives me crazy...ure cute and also kinda lil crazy...but all that juz makes me love u more...u would try to convince me on doin sumthing that would take a high risk...u also always be there when i need u...u make me smile whenever im near wif u...and i could barely say not always wif u...eventhough ure not near to always near to u coz i'll always be by ure side...i'm worried when u're alone...u always being alone...ure such a lonely trying to make ure loneliness goes away...i cant see u in that situation...u have many probs...i would try to help u...i dun care if my probs is undone...coz ure more important...i never thought a girl...that as perfect as u...will come in to my life and be my very lucky to have sumone like u...that will not easily give up on sorry if all this juz making ure life miserable..but..if i do make ure life miserable...plz tell me...maybe i wanted to change ure life...but...i dun wanna change ure life to a more difficult situation...i will let u go...and never come back if becoz of me...u suffered more...plz..tell me the truth...i need to know...the longer this things keeps on goin like this...the more worried i will be when im thinking of u...i dun wanna be the one.that destroys ure wonderful life...i dun wanna be the one...that is very unlucky to u...all i need is truth from u...i dun deserve u actually...but why...why did u chose me...there's other guys that better than me...that could take good care of u...i not the one...becoz its too hard to takecare of's kjuz hard...i really wanna be the one for u...but i cant...i juz cant...there's many other guys that deserves u...i dun deserves u at juz a jerk...that are so juz a guy...that brings bad luck to ure life...maybe im lucky to have u...but...ure very unlucky to have a shy person...i wont be able to takecare of u...i wont be able to show u that i love u...coz im such a shy always shy...i hope this stupid attitude could go juz cant...i need u...i really need u...but im sory to say this...i really dun deserve u...u belongs to sumone not the perfect guy that u always be dreamin of...the perfect guy will show himself...when the time for us collide...the perfect guy...will take good care of u baby girl...u dun have to worry about anything...he'll be there for u...not like me...i wont able to be there for u when u need me...its very hard...our moment to be together is gonna end...i juz cant be wif u...some day...i will destroy ure life...i dun wanna make that only way i could choose...the only way is to let u to forget all about u from my to let my treasure goes to give my treasure to sumone that deserves it...maybe i'll forget ure faces...ure voice...and also all of our memory together...but i swear...i wont forget ure name...ure name will always be my last treasure...maybe ure perfect...but...we need to accept that...everything's that is perfect...will lastly gone...i'll miss u...i'll miss u so damn much...but...when its time to let u go...i juz have to let all of my promises to u goes away...becoz...all of my promises...i coudln't make it come true...i am a failure..i am becoz i fail to take care of u...i will never be able to take care of u...i dun have the strength...i'm so sorry darling...i juz loving u...the love will bring us bad luck...i'm scared...i'm scared that u will have to go thru many obstacles becoz of me...i want to make ure life obstacle's lighter...i dun wan to make it heavier and u will have to go thru it all...if all this while...i have made u so sorry...plz forgive me...we could still be frends...but we couldn't be more than frends...i juz know u remember when i day..we will broke up? If u could recall ure memory...we did broke up for the second i feelings always rite...and feelings said that...i wonnt be wif u day...we will broke up and never gonna be together back...we'll juz have to w8...if the time to wait is long...we could still spend ur time together...but if the time is short...for the last time...i wanna so sory if i've done many mistakes to u...and if im juz making u suffer so sorry...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My dream..

I would dream of u every night...coz...u are part of my life already...u keep making me think of u every single second...i couldn't let u go...i juz cant...i really love u...i really wanting u by my side...always..coz i will be by ure side...eventhough u feel lonely sumtimes...u could juz remember that...u could try to talk to me...i'll always be there eventhough u're in a real bad situation...i juz dun like seeing u been in a sad situation..angry...lonely...if i could...i would always wanted to hug u...and never let go of u...even for a single second...i will protect u as long as im breathing...i will always wanting to protect u...even if i could juz hold ure hands...its long as ure always wif me...ure juz like part of my life...i need u...ure like my heart...when ure gone...i'll be dying...i'll protect u as i protect my heart...coz in my heart..there's full of ure faces...ure names...ure lovely voices...i need to take care of it...coz its juz like my treasure...i will never leave my eyes of u...i will always be looking at u...taking care of u...that's y...when people insult mad...coz..they're like stabbing my heart...and its really pain...when they hurt many ways...they're trying to hurt me as im trying to protect this love trying my best...and i will always try my best to take good care of u baby girl...

I dun have the strength..

I juz dun have the strength to make our relationship last...i cant make this relationship juz not good enough for u...i dun think that we will happy together...i dun think so that we are meant together...we juz meant to be frends...frends that only for temporary...coz...we will never see each other sooner or later...u will go to ure path of ure life...and i will go to the path of my life...we just...will be together for a wont be long...we will break up...sooner or week...tmr...or maybe tonight...we dun even know what will happen after this...we just have to forget about each other...coz...we dun even close together...we always fought...we always quarrelling...we just messed up...or maybe only the one who messed sorry...i juz cant be the guy that u always wanted...i dun have the attitude of a "guy" that u like...that u will love no matter what happens...we just wont belong together...we are destined to juz be a temporary couples...sooner or later...we will break up...i dun have enough strength to take care of sorry coz i've broke my promise to take good care of u...i juz dun have the strength to do that...i dun even know u better...we are juz like strangers looking for a love from sumone we are destined to be wif...but...u and i...are not destined to be together really sorry...i'll juz take my think about this...and we will break up in a simple way...and wif not tired of figthing wif u...i know u felt as same as u do...juz dun make me fight wif u really2 sorry if i have to say all this...but...this is the real truth...only miracle could make us together...forever...but...the chances to get the too long as i still have the strength...i will try my best to make our relationship last as long as it could...i will try to fulfill my promise to u...all of it...i really love u baby...but i juz must let u go some day...i juz wanna say that i will try to be there for u...when u needs me...i will use my last moment wif it was the precious time sorry...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'll love u until the last of my breath...

No matter wat happens between us...i will always love not angry wif u when im not in the juz angry wif the jerks who like to bother u and insult u...u dun have to worry...i will never be mad at u until we are not frends...i will try to control my mood when im wif trying my best...but...i hope...u have the patience to be wif mood always change when sumone talk bad about u...i'm trying to fulfill my promise to trying my best...but...pls...for me...pls...i hope u have the patience to handle me...i dun wan becoz of me..u're harmed...and becoz of me...u suffered more...i juz cant stand wat ppl says about u...they called u a "prostitute" and juz burns my heads up...i feel like gonna make they un-pride...but...i'll try not to do that for scared of losing really scared of losing the girl i have love...coz ure the most perfect girl i've ever met...i really love u...i'll try my best to change for u...juz for u baby...but...while im trying to change...u plz change too...i need u...and u need me...i'll guide u baby...i wont stop...i will always be there for u...if u need me..u can call me...anytime...i will spend all my time wif u...i will be ure shoulder to cry on...i will be the ear to listen to all ure always by ure side...i will spend every single seconds on u...i juz wanna make u happy all the time...that's y...when im suddenly ok...coz...i dun like seeing u being sad...mad...i dun like it...and i know u dun like it trying my best just for u baby...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My love to her..

No one will know how much i love my special one...she will always be the one for love her as much as i love family only more to her...she always makes me smile when im chatting wif her...eventhough we rarely talked at school b4...i mean..we did not talka t school AT time love to her will be more and more...i dun know juz makes me love her more everytime i think about her..and...she never leave from my mind...its kinda hard for me to forget about her even minute...i dun know if she really2 loves me...and if she is sincere to love me...but i dun least...i could get a fake love from sumone...becoz...all this time i din get any love...from anybody excepts my family...if she me...but is fake...dun tell me...i dun wanna know...coz...i want this "fake" love from u makes me feels better when im in many kind of situations..sad...happy...overjoy...she's the one who always helps me to forget about all my probs..she's the key to my heart...she always makes me happy whenever im sad...i will tell her all of my probs...but...if she dun like it..u could juz say it to me...i dun care...coz...i juz dun want u to get hurt by me...u've been cpl-ing wif me for no reasons...maybe there's some reason u cpl=ing wif me..but that one will knows it...the true one will ever find it out...even herself..i dun think so she could explain the real reason to me y she love me...and cpl-ing wif me..coz i felt the same..i have a reason..i know i do...but..the reason is un-explainable...i dun know the real reason y i love her so frekin much..all i know is..i wanna be wif her forever...she's my last girl...if i broke up wif her...i wont be able to have any gf as good as her do to me..i wont be cpl-ing about years...coz when i broke up wif her...i will find the perfect person as perfect as her do to me...i dun even know the truth about the love between us two...i've never knows if she really...really sincere of loving me...but...if ure reading this baby...i love u...wif all my heart..u would never knows hw much i love u...only god...and i do...i hope our relationship will last forever...i really hoped that u'll be mine forever....I'll love u forever...and always...